Monday, December 8, 2014

December Update and Redirection of Build Plan

This will be a large update, mainly changes to the design and build:

  • Controller board will be Smoothieboard 5XC with additional stepper drivers
    • Why? Smoothieboard works with current reprap hosts, 3d printer G-code, has Delta auto-calibration, is in a single kit, and is very easy to configure without learning Linux
    • This means I am no longer pursuing the Beaglebone Black - CRAMPS + CRAMP3 setup
  • 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 will be the control panel
    • This will replace the 9" resistive touch panel to control the board
    • I can now use octoprint and print2peer etc to operate the machine
  • As of now I'll need to wire up more stepper drivers to operate the 3d printer to use multiple filaments
  • The E3D has problems with retracting out that far making clogging a huge issue because of stringiness, so I must combat that problems so only 2 extruders for now
  • Belts will not run in the channel but rather behind the extrusions out of sight
    • The extrusions now will be 2020 V-slot build or 2040 V-slot Wolfstock derivative
That's all for now!