Currently building my 750/360mm Kossel Mini and am reconsidering the super scaled up size of the 1000mm/485mm MK-X whether or not to really use all of that space. The original plan was to use dual upper frames and then add additional space up on top to completely have a seamless extruder motor and filament spool holder.
Instead perhaps I will integrate the storage space within the 1000mm build system.
Interestingly enough, I discovered the Griffin printer and will use some of the great designs from that system
-Griffin Extruder
-Griffin Belt Tensioner
-Losi ball joint + Garden Stakes for diagonal arms
-Modified Griffin dual upper rail concept
-Griffin Vertical Carriage
This idea will combine with the SeemeCNC's Rostock Max v2 design of the belt running through the channels to reduce the loss of the build platform with the additional belts running above and below the frame itself.
The biggest change to the MK-X system is a revamp of the electronics governing the system as a whole. The Mega2560 is pushed to the limits with basic delta movements. As for future proofing, I will be switching over to the 1GB Beaglebone Black Rev.C (if it remains current)
as well as the Replicape. For simple usage, I will also be including the Manga Screen in the system
That's all the changes for now!
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