Monday, February 9, 2015

Alpha Stage V.001 Update

      This will be a fairly long post as it has more detail and more revisions to the process. I just attended a 3D Printing/materials presentation by Allen McAfee of FabLabs/Sandbox3D which made me reconsider many things and reaffirm my choices in other areas.

As a full update to the Multi-use FabMachine: 

2nd Derivative of the Snowstock printer, which itself was derived from the Wolfstock
·         1000mm tall 2040 V-slot extrusions
·         1000mm tall 2020 extrusions as a vertical support to the upper rails and extra space
·         485mm horizontal 20/20 black anodized extrusions
·         V-slot wheels
·         Belts are in the internal extrusions to reduce amount of stretch and wear due to heat
·         Cherry Pi IIIS derived Spherical Spectra String mounted effector for precision and no backlash (3S)
·         Hotend is undecided (E3D Chimera Volcano, Kraken)
o    All-metal
o    300C capable
·         Automated Tool Changing via electromagnetic kinematic coupling on the effector
·          cross bracing 500mm 20/20 black anodized extrusions to resist torsional loads
·         Hidden- Rotating tool holder on the X-braces to maximize build area
·         2 Watt Laser cutter/engraver
·         Multi-Syringe Extruder
·         Large Pick-n-place for mounting electronics, Auto-ejection
·         Multi-Cylindrical Tool (Pencil, Pen, X-acto Knife, Sharpie, conductive ink pen)
·         Recirculating Carbon filter and HEPA filter
·         Heated Build Chamber (at least 50C)
o    24V Ceramic Heater mounted to the upper portion to increase chamber temperature
o    R-tech insulation to reduce heat loss
o    Sound Dampening panel
o    Metal panel to increase rigidity
o    Polycarbonate Door with electromagnetic latch
·         Water cooled system
o    (5 Steppers (min.))
o    SSR Relays watercooled
o    Smoothieboard watercooled
o    Hotend(s) watercooled
o    120mm Radiator mounted above
·         Blower fans air funneled in via tubing for layer cooling
·         Out of filament detector with automated pause and growl push notifications via octoprint
·         Built-in Octopi with Raspberry Pi 2
·         RGB lights mounted behind 2040 V-slot extrusions for even lighting with light change depending on machine state(On, Heating, At temp, Printing, Cooling)
·         Dual Synchro Gear Float Extruders
o    # of extruders still undecided
o    Using a TB6600 Stepper controller to control a High torque NEMA23 for high speed and torque without resorting to gearing. 
o    Hobbed pulley geared 1:1 to have more contact on the 1.75mm filament
o    Extruders float above the effector via a counterweight pulley system with spring tensioned connectors to carriages to resist the momentum changes due to high speed effector
·         Microswitch Auto-calibration and bed leveling
·         Astroyn Dampers
·         400mm Build plate
o    16" Mic-6 8mm thick aluminum plate (tolerance .005") for build plate
o    Build plate is a .003" PEI sheet to remove the need for additional adhesive
o    24V 400 Watt Silicon Heater
o    Mounted with 3 point magnetic Kinematic Coupling with 10 micron repeatibility (Proven by MIT thesis by Raymond Ma that kinematic coupling is the absolute best way for repeatability.)
o    XT60 Connector for disconnecting buildplate
·         Soluble support mixer built-in
o    Fan+Nd magnet underneath build plate to create a stir mixer 
o    Heated bed to create heating element for the solution bath
o    PLA is used as soluble support via a NaOH solution in a 60-70C solution for about 3 hours. 
·         Dual camera monitoring via Octopi
o    Webcam monitoring the build 
o    endoscope to monitor nozzle and layer adhesion
o    Webcam monitoring controlled by servos with tilt and pan capability.
·         Rotating Turntable using Open-Source Ciclops scanner combined with webcam used for monitoring
·         Extendable universal spool holder with dehumidifer
·         Purge and Wipe brush built-in
Other Technical Specs:
·         16-tooth Pulley for Torque
·         1/16 Microstepping
·         Smoothieboard
o    Shake firmware
·         7" Galaxy Tab 4 for local control via SSH to Rpi 2
·         800 Watt 24V PSU
·         NEMA17 86-oz. in holding Torque
·         1.75 Filament
·         400mm diameter x 450mm? height
Posted by JL at 1:27 PM No comments: